0161 603 2140

Personal injury small claims limit

The current small claims limits for personal injury are:

        Country                                                                                                         Amount

  • England and Wales  – Road Traffic Accidents                                                 £5,000
  • England and Wales  – Vulnerable Road Users                                                 £1,000
  • England and Wales  – Non Road Traffic Accidents                                         £1,000
  • Scotland                                                                                                                 No limit
  • Northern Ireland                                                                                                   £1,000

The above small claims limit for Road traffic Accidents in England & Wales changed on the 31 May 2021.

Vulnerable road users were exempt from the increase.  This means that for cyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclists, horse riders and children, the small claims limit remains at £1,000.

For more information about the small claims limit increase and how it will affect your claim, email us on [email protected]



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